i wish..
i wish all of the trash in this house get soo emo that they'd stomp out from this house and get themselves trashed into the big bin outside!
i have finally come to my senses and realized.. that im scary. dan aku takut dengan taste aku.
the first time i thought i was scary was, oh wait. no. i thought i looked scary was when i browsed through my pictures right after i got back from paris. hell i was wearing all black. not that i didnt know what i was wearing. but it kinda took me for surprise. because i was wearing EVERYTHING like from head to toe black. takutnya. baru sedar macam mana orang pandang aku sebelum ni. no wonder people were making so much fuss about me wearing black all the time. and so since then i added up a little bit of colors in my wardrobe. sikit je ponn but i'll make sure to mix and match. not that the matching part is so hard to deal with.
but now, i really think im freaky. i just went online to see some contemporary artpieces and i realized that i pretty much like the same stuff. if its not in black white red, then some phychotic pieces. like these stuff ;
okay. sudah sudahlah tu. see my point? this isnt intentional and i was looking at some really really random collection. and ended up liking the same stuff. im not feeling low. not really, at least. so why all the psychotic images? beats me.
twisted. but bloody wicked.
Eh hello! I'm back kekekekeke
5 months ago
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