Thursday, 2 April 2009

of bikini wax.

ok so after spending couple of days bumming around, curling up in bed reading fictional book i was thinking, 'hmm pe kate bikini wax hari ni?'

****warning. too much details. definitely not for the faint-hearted.

no, sir. all this while it was just plain ol' tweezing and trimming and veeting.

obviously you gotta do some reading/reviews/tips before doing it at home on your own. and o my, their reviews pretty much freaked me out. to compare bikini waxing to giving natural birth. its that bad seriously? so it kinda took me more than couple of hours to muster a tad of courage to pick up my ipod, a towel and  a waxing kit. 

by the time i got into the shower it was already 1. in the morn. yea, so much for screaming for help. aaanyhoo, with Don't Stop Me Now - Queens in my ear, a final bismillah and i stopped breathing - then BAM!

that. dont. feel. a. thing. 

seriously. people compare THIS to giving natural birth? honestly, i freak out even thinking of being pregnant let alone giving birth. naturally or drugged. i cant understand why people even give birth. dont get me wrong, sure i want kids on my own some day but giving birth seems to me like a great deal of pain and a big damn mess. 

and bikini waxing is suppose to feel like this? really? then im ready to give birth 10 times and go all over again. haha. and i thought im a pathetic wuss.

so anyways because it was so damn easy i was thinking of doing a brazilian. but realizing im not a yoga master, i finally gave up and settled for a nazi. haha.

no wait. am i giving to much details here? is it wrong to actually feel comfortable to publish this out and open? 

*shrugs shoulders.



Chelly on 10:20 pm said...

hmmm... based from my personal experience, brazilian bikini ain't that bad. I think you're over reacting there when you said that its the same as giving birth.. I myself haven't experienced that BUT I have tried having a brazilian.. as far as i could remember, it went well.. thanks to my lovely aesthetician by the way!

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