Tuesday, 13 March 2007

yea okay since issue gay o straight is out, i just wanted to confess something.

i am straight.

but looking at shane, just standing there, on screen, this just hits me.

am i straight? am i straight?? am i??? cause if i am, then im not suppose to feel this.

ngahaha but justification after justification;

  • just think, les sex is soo petty. you know what i mean if you know the L word. a lot of work to ensure 2 women actually undergo orgasm.
  • i am religious. im not saying im pious, but im religious. hahah.
  • emm thats it. i think my first and second justifications are strong enough.

so, yes. i am damn straight.

but what the heck. if shane (and only shane alone) wanna make out (and make out alone, no dildos no nothing) with me, why not?? what are the odds anyways? you tell me.


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