Monday, 30 April 2007
iyah begitulah perasaan saya.
this is by far the most challenging sem. like, ever.
i expect something good coming out of this. really.
thank god i enjoy classes. or maybe classmates. heheh.
p/s: semua mogok blogging ke? saya jua begitu.
Saturday, 21 April 2007
aku tak hebat kopek telur ropanya. maka dengan otomatiknya, peribahasa gebu seperti telur tidak boleh digunakan, sebab ropa telur rebus aku maha dasyat daripada kawah bulan.
sekian dahulu.
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
sampah betul sampai aku kena bukak dua tiga web nak cari satu meaning.
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
cycling and health
Cycling is good for your heart and health
Everyday cycling, where the exercise leaves you breathing heavily but not being out of breath, is an effective and enjoyable form of aerobic exercise. This is the type of exercise that is most effective at promoting good health. For example, cycling reduces the risk of serious conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and the most common form of diabetes.
One rough calculation suggests that new cyclists covering short distances can reduce their risk of death (mainly due to the reduction of heart disease) by as much as 22 per cent.-no way! i cycle more than 40 mins a day. 4 times a week. and the fact that i automatically inherite all deseases mentioned above now i think my whole family needs to cycle from now on.
Cycling will help with weight management
Cycling can be part of a programme to lose weight because it burns the energy supplied by a chocolate bar or a couple of alcoholic drinks in an hour (about 300 calories). A 15-minute bike ride to and from work five times a week burns off the equivalent of 11 pounds of fat in a year. That kind of cycling pattern also meets the Government's latest target on exercise: that we should take part in some mild to moderate physical activity that leaves us out of breath for at least 30 minutes five times a week.
-em cant verify this much.
Cycling can improve your mood
Cycling can have positive effects on how we feel too. Moderate exercise has been found to reduce levels of depression and stress, improve mood and raise self-esteem, and has also been found to relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.-i prefer to believe that my mood depends on who i see in class every day. jeje *insert expression getis*
facts cited from here
Monday, 16 April 2007
ya know, i've never noticed how good looking my classmates are. all these while kan, these people have been wearing knitwear which prolly their mother made. ngeheh.
so sekarang kan everybody's starting to show off some skin. siap seluar pendek bunga-bunga hawaii.
ahah oh i loiiike!! and they started to look like they shower in the morns.
fuh pendek kata - semmmat ah.
so hari ni kan, sepanjang hari aku dan elly good mood nak mati sebab satu hari ni usha classmates kami. mamat yang selama ni tak pernah masuk list comel pon dah makin semmat. uish teruja ok. nothings new to shaz ahah gay ah kalo ko usha laki jugak. so shaz rasa hari ni seksa gila sebab kelas menggelupur buhsan.
aku suka spring n_______n
Saturday, 14 April 2007
6 things about me
1. benci uberhyped stuff. no offence to the whole world - but seriously, friendster, rock the world gigs, akademi fantasia dan yang seketurunan dengannya macam 'lame' nak mampos. bukan aku nak meluahkan perasaan yang berbaur keji ini, tapi sesungguhnya wahai rakyat malaysia, marilah kita beramai-ramai menaikkan taraf citarasa masing-masing. aku nak mengutuk bukannya aku tak tengok AF tu, aku tengok. tapi setiap persembahan aku tak tahan lebih daripada 3 minit. PITCHY siaaaalllllll!!! bukannya aku nak cakap suara aku ni sedap sangat, tapi sebab aku tahu suara aku tak sedap aku tak pegi menyanyi. walaupun dengan ilmu muzik aku yang berperingkat amatur ini, aku masih bulih menilai dengan KONFIDEN betapa flat atau sharp atau instable atau bervibrato hampasssssss suara peserta-peserta yang tidak berbakat tersebut. lawak aznil pon lame. sorry again to the whole world.
2. boleh duduk depan komputer berjam-jam. bak pandangan wallpaper aku ;

3. obsesi aku terhadap sesuatu benda/orang tidak dapat dipadamkan dengan mudahnya. mahupon begitu aku hangat-hangat tahi ayam sekiranya wujud suatu azam yang baru.
4. aku merasakan sesuatu yang berbaur euforia sekiranya aku mempunyai luka luaran. ala-ala masochism.
5. find talented/genius but psychotic people extremely fascinating. contoh;
- Tyler Durden - founder of Fight Club
- Jean-Baptiste Grenouille - murderer/perfume genius
- Miss Darling - psychotic mum, who loves her son- Loverboy - oh so much
- Hannibal Lecter - need i say much?
- Mr. Ripley - too commercial to explain..
6. empathetic and hypocrite at the same time. sebab kadang-kadang aku kesian kat peminta sedekah, tapi aku paling muka ke arah lain, dan tidak memberi sedekah. dan itu membuatkan aku seorang yang sangat hipokrit.
Monday, 9 April 2007
come on la.
you know, i tend not to judge people through blogs. because the fact that most people will write something that they thought people wont even want to hear about. petty things. macam aku la. sapa nak denga yang aku selalu rasa macam constipated bila aku tak cukup tido? or me bitching over my stupid taya pancit? kan? so tak payah nak pura-pura as if everything is ok. as if you never undergo anger.
please la. i mean, shit happens. i know and i accept the fact that shit happens. but that doesnt mean i dont experience anger. once in a while. emmm all the while. apa-apa la. asal aku menerima qada dan qadar.
oh aku sebenarnya tak ada masalah dengan orang sebegini. sebab mereka tidak mencampakkan permasalahan mereka terhadap aku, but my point is - be real.
oh aku sebenarnya menggelupur kebosanan tihihi sebab itu cari masalah.
lala. peace out.
p/s : whoa that youtube chic Esmee Denters already made it big, huh? sakit perut jugak aku denga dia menyanyi. kalau aku try menyanyi macam dia aku terus cirit kot.
you knew it when things around you relvove but you cant seem to notice.
you knew it when you took all the crap you can but you still feel constipated.
you knew it when the person next to you is talking non stop and you cant seem to give any appropriate respond.
welcome to living the life like a zombie.
aaaghh aku tak cukup tido aaaa!!
Saturday, 7 April 2007
but seriously, aside from God, who are we to say what is more important than the other?
because honestly, even if we believed whole-heartedly that we chose something important over the other, the worrying doesnt stop there. it never does.
its almost impossible to progress with one step at a time. that would just mean you're neglecting everything else just to focus on one thing. but to juggle every ball that are been thrown to you along the way seemed illogical as well.
so... why prioritise? why plan? life could just throw you completely off plan when you expect it the least. but can we actually survive just with going with the flow?
hmm and to think that you knew. life is sooo underrated.
Tuesday, 3 April 2007
meh aku bitau dengan banggonya. last week kan, attendance aku pergi kelas betul-betul full. tak ada satu kelas pon aku tuang. lepas tu aku ingat nak pergi la joli kat amsterdam kejap. ala stay sana dua tiga jam ja. semata-mata nak makan seafood fresh murah. tapi sebab asyik berkejar-kejar serta berjalan-jalan dengan banyak sekali di muenster akan kerana persediaan bbq, maka otot betis aku rasa macam nak putus macam getah expired. balik-balik depade muenster, sekali aku tengok tayar belakang beskal aku kempis. wuiii, dah la aku rasa nak muntah dok dalam bas nak dekat 3 jam, otot kaki aku rasa cam nak putus, naik beskal pulak kena slow mo. kalo letak keta lembu sebelah aku, konpem aku kalah.
aku ingat pergi pam tayar kat kedai minyak kira setel ah masalah. memang setel pon. hari tu je la. esoknya hari senin aku nak pi kelas aku tengok die kempis balik. selow mo lagi aku bawak beskal pegi. singgah kedai minyak lagik. dia takmo naik. abis aku bawak la seiring dan sejalan beskal aku tu sejauh 5 km dengan perasaan sakit hati dan sakit kaki. nak bawak pergi kedai tak bulih aku dah lambat. dalam hati aku kata, 'wokey lized, sodh ba ro. saje je ni, test, nak pi kelas, dugaan macam gini, dapat pahala banyak wo.'
dah la masa dalam kelas aku lost gila. aphal la cikgu ni cakap cepat gila. macam syok sendiri. menyampah aku. satu verb pon aku takle nak tangkap. tibak datang period pain lagi aku menyampah. sakit perut ada, sakit pinggang ada, nak muntah pon ada.
kelua je kelas aku pandang tayar beskal huii rasa cam nak campak ja masuk belukar. tapi sebab berat. dan aku sakit perut, sakit pinggang, dan sakit kaki. dan lapa. so aku seiring sejalan dengan beskal pujaan hati aku itu. singgah la lagi kedai minyak cuba nasib mana tau kot-kot dia mau naik. sebab bocholt ni kecik aku saspek semua kedai minyak utama telah aku singgahi semata-mata sebab taya bodo satu tu. dia takmo jugak naik. maka aku berjalan lagi 2 km ke innercity aka pekan dengan periet pain dan otot sengal. kat mulut aku 'sodh ba ro. sodh ba ro'. dalam hati, 'celaka kau tayar. yish fuckety fuckety fuck!'
sampai kat kedai kan, orang tu kata warranty aku tak bulih nak selamatkan tayar. so aku kena baya nak dekat 30 euro. semata-mata taya pecah tu?? aku angguk je la. malas nak layan. bila aku bulih dapat balik beskal mengada-ngada tu? dia kata hari kamis.
hah?? habis aku nak naik apa pergi kelas ni? (cewah. dengan penuh berkobar-kobar aku mahu pergi kelas)
jawapannya.. aku mesti bangun pukul 5.30 pagi mandi sebab housemate aku ada policy kena bangun 1 hour and a half before klua rumah. so kalo klua rumah 7.30 dia bangun pukul 6. aku slalu bangun pukul 6.30 tapi sebab transportation malfunction maka aku kena setel mandi before dia mandi. sebab bas aku naik pukul 6.58am. mana sempat kalo bgn pukul 6.30. bukan tu aja, setakat jauh 5 km tu pon aku kena tuka-tuka bas. itulah bodonya public trenspot kat bocholt ni.
maka aku pon tak pergi kelas pagi tadi, sebab aku malas betul nak layan ujian ini. keh keh.
tapi dengan semangatnya aku dah siap-siap sapu choc spread kat roti so esok aku bulih telan ja. oh syit betul dah pukul 10.45pm. dah kang esok aku tak bangun.