stupid flanders. stupid flanders. stupid flanders.
emmm the only reason i write this is because cik sonik is a little wee bored looking at gang rape all this while. so there you go sonik.
randomness : spongebob in awe sounds exactly like homer in mengidamness. mr. burns ruless!!
aaaaanyhoo, this is how my head goes these days. random.
apart from kacau jiwa assignments, this is all i have for you guys ;
1) never bowl after veeting your legs. the ball will either go in the longkang or in a much worse case ermmm goes backwards. you might not see the relation now but heck, why dont you try it yourself?
2) never veet without enough cream. regardless how bululess you think you are.
Eh hello! I'm back kekekekeke
6 months ago