Saturday, 22 August 2009

finally a movie that i enjoy.

District 9. go and see.

honestly at first i thought this is some lame alien movie. but oh well what the heck. as if all those movies that i've watched this whole year ever passed my bar. 

sorry ye, bar aku sangat tinggi jangan harap transformers lepas. harry potter is btw the new low. benjamin button? sile jangan cuba nak compare dengan forest gump. forest gump mantap. benjamin button is a snoozefest. erm setakat chick flick macam the proposal, he's not that into you, confessions of a shopaholic, twilight hahahahahah nak suruh aku download pon belum tentu aku mahu.

akhir kata, filem yang tak ada orang populer memang selalu underrated dan tidak diappreciate. tapi untung ada orang macam aku. kalau buat sequel District 9 konfem aku semangat pergi tengok (mungkin ada, sebab hanging je? unless die mau orang pikir buat konklusion sendiri. of which aku suka jugak. kalo aku jadik cikgu english ke, konfem2 aku suruh murid buat essay/presentation hahahahahahaha sebab tu aku tak jadik cikgu.)

lalalala. atau mungkin aku hardcore sci-fi. eh, twilight aku x heran pon?

Thursday, 20 August 2009

people do these??

it used to be jenkem, now its vodka shots from tampons and anal beer bongs? and i thought they were all crap until i saw videos from youtube.


Sunday, 16 August 2009

no sir, i dont mind them spikes.

am currently intensely considering of getting myself a hedgehog as a pet. i did research these whole 2 days. shouldnt differ much from other mammal pets.

found a couple of breeders around pj and kl. tapi manela logik kan nak usung landak naik turun kapal terbang bawak balik sana? nnti kene cari birth certificate, paspot la, health declaration blablabla germany sangat leceh ok. 

tapi nak cari breeder di germany lagi leceh. and i bet i'll be paying a lot more for it there than here.

so how? comel sangat ni. tak tertahan.


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