ok gamba raya dah siap. hahah aku segan nak letak sebab poyo sangat.. lalala. kalo aku dah siap trensper kang, aku upload kat vainpot centre aku.
finally, the housewarming/besday elly/jamuan bukak posa happened. pendek cerita, perut kenyang, hati ceria.
masak fever stops today, finally. penat lelah buat karipap, caramel, paprik, rendang itu ini, i dont think ill be cooking for the rest of the week. tapi masalah. raya's in one week time. promised myself to bake brownie, serta kuih muih. rendang sekali lagi. patah la pinggang. tapi, membe/raya punya pasal, besar la hati orang nak datang rumah. yang berada di sebelah padang ragut lembu ini. eh. aku rasa aku tulis ayat penuh dengan tanda titik nokhtah.
aaaaanyways, my point is, the backpain is here again. my dirty clothes start to pile up to my waist. the washing machine is 3 weeks late. and i hate school. tak mo pi kelas esok. period.
Eh hello! I'm back kekekekeke
6 months ago
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