work is dunzo. finally im off from The psychotic Pervs.
imagine how torturing it is to sit in the office with him staring at the computer for more than 6 hours every single day of the week including on saturdays. aku belajar pon tak macam gitu. but oh wait - bila aku belajar pon?
i cant fucking stand his voice answering the phone. so full of .. shit. and hipocracy. if at the other end of the line is a woman, he would say things like, "oh you have a very beautiful voice" or "surely a very nice lady like you yourself can work things out".
oh okay, so you think, 'whats wrong with being charming?'
but honey, i tell you this. he is not charming. he's just being.. yish.. menggelikan. oh and if he's talking to a guy, then he would be telling about the girls working for him aka "oh right now im having these two hubsches malaysian girls, bla bla" or "i had this girl working for me this one time, bla bla.." or "oh yea, yea, i remember that girl. bla bla bla". perempuan perempuan perempuan.
but finally when his mom barged in the office (guess what - he lives with his parents. and he's, like, 40 something. L.O.S.E.R) lectured him for hiring different girls every single month. his mom was soooo pissed off that she actually warned this new russian girl that her son is very the miang. kakakakakakakaka i swear to god it was so fakken painful to keep my face straight. at the time. the (biatch) secretary told me that the russian girl is the 3rd girl of the month (february at the time).
oh. rupenye telenovela jugak orang german ni. the best part was when the mother came in to have yet another cat fight and he took the vacuum cleaner and vacuumed the carpet. i mean, wtf is going on??? ngahahaha and the song secreto de amor came into my mind and played non-stop the whole day. (sebab satu lagu tu je lagu telenovela yang lekat dalam otak masa tu)
worse of all. i cant fucking stand his sense of humor.
he thinks a muslim woman taking off her cap (the cap he asked to wear) is funny. i know. i dont get it either. but apparently, when he asked me to take my cap off and i made a face, he then laughed and said it was just a joke. in front of the whole staff. fucker.
i still find it okay, if he offers us vodka or tea with alcohol. ha ha. but to repeat them like 10 times at different times - please la bitch. if i dont even curve my lips to smile then its just time to wrap it around your head - its. not. funny.
and telling people i'm his girlfriend. Puke!! Puke!!!!!! and he's shorter than me!!
and he always touches my shoulder when i'm off guard. and then said, 'im joking.' i had gossebumps everytime. fuck it man - its sexual harassment!!!!!
aku geli ahhh laki miang!!! get a hooker lah oi! aku bagi pelempang hang tuah baru tahu.
okay, so another point which made me think - oh ada lagi kah orang sebegini di negara maju ini??
all the computers in his office (ada 3 je pon) were all oldschool. i mean, no prob. but microsoft office pon tak ada original- apa cerita? doesnt he know that its actually illegal for a company to do such thing?
and then his diskette drive broke down. he wanted to test the drive with other diskettes and asked me if i own one. i was like, ' no i dun own diskettes. at all.' and he asked, 'what??! diskettes are not modern anymore??' and i was, 'ummm yap. pretty much. most laptops dont have built in diskette drives anymore.' and he asked, 'so what do people use these days?'
i gagged. i couldnt put on my poker face this time. it was just reflex and my jaw dropped.
'people use.. USB or CD i guess. even better if you have bluetooth' (which i highly doubt).
'so you have any idea to transfer these files to another computer asap?'
'yea, you could use my ipod for a while'
and he stared unbelievably because it has never occur to him that an mp3 player could save files. maybe he just doesnt get the whole idea of an mp3 player in the first place.
god i miss tektronix. this work experience hasnt contribute to me educationally at all. unless planting a 15 feet tree is educational.
Eh hello! I'm back kekekekeke
6 months ago
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