Tuesday, 17 August 2010

wallowing away.

Why does it take me a god damn long time to finish my thesis?

Well, apparently I created a new genre of art.

See, one day I just had this ridiculous urge to get a whole set of nail polish online. The ridiculous part is that I've always been a nail-polish-virgin.

It sorta hard to initially justify why I bought them in the first place.

Well, I guess it's just instant gratification. Ya know, the kind when you saw a shit load pile of dust at the corner of your room and you just pick up a vacuum and then, ZUUUURRP! Everything's gone. Yes, that kind. INSTANT GRATIFICATION.

Aaaanyhooo I started to paint every colour on every nail. And then realized it's a bitch to wipe clean everything back once I need to do my prayers.

And yet I get very agitated every time I glanced my way at those tiny colorful bottles.

Finally - light bulb!


Painting nail polish on laminated paper. I googled and didnt find anyone that has done anything like this just yet. So I guess, yeaaaay? Its now safe to say I'm creative?


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