feel like bitching over someone right now.
come on. i'm a ticking bomb. one of the ladies i'm living right now is REALLY pushing the buttons. this miss i'm-a-little-too-high-class is soo making my living hell. the worse thing is, she's not even trying.
so, lets start with what i can't even avoid.
the toilet aka the shower. you wake up in the morning, take up your toothbrush, open the forcet and - WTF??? ada sejanggut rambut di dalam sinki serta serat-serat yang tidak dapat dikenalpasti, daripada apakah ia sebenarnya diperbuat. i know it's not mine, i know it's not yani's. she and i, we have dark hair. the other twos have brighter. but one is red another is orange. and i swear they were orange. oh, wait. they were for the past 4 weeks, they are and they will be for the next three weeks. and the main suspect is sole. confirmed. the boyfriend always comes over on the weekends to spend some 'quality time'. fine. the idea that its summer and i have to wear hijjab and long pants around the house is for me no problemo. no fakken problemo. i bear and ye shall relish.
tapi tak ke bodoh?
the boyfriend : oi. your toilet tersumbatlah.
me : huh? yea, i know. (demn, aku malu)
the boyfriend : yeahhh, and there's some hair in there! *pointing at me. literally.*
me : *eating and almost choked* (fak) yea, well, i malas nak layan. (they're your bloody ignorant girlfriend's, you asshole.)
the boyfriend : yea, well you should do something about it.
miss i'm-all-high : *shuts up, trying to be ignorant, and flips her god damn ORANGE hair*
me : yea? i malas nak layan. fuck this house, i can't wait to get out.
the boyfriend : ......
miss i'm-all-high : ......
me : .......
akward silence. hell, it wasn't awkward for me.
i swear, i was cussing all the way. hello?? aku sental jamban, aku lap cermin. give and take la. although i do it accasionally, at least i did something and i would be ashamed of myself if i know im making a mess in a sharing area. i don't just leave my organic mull in the sink, when i know other people will be using them. why do you think its clogging in the first place? plus, why would there be ANY hair in the sink anyways? i take SHOWER in the morning, unlike some people, prolly wash their friggin hair in the sink. hair should be accumulating in the shower tab. i don't even want to imagine and assume what more of the weirdness of her conducts in the shower.
that's one. there was even tissue in the toilet!! unflushed. oh,well, its being flushed, like 5 times. nothing happened. like its stuck there, for good. i mean, EUUWW. I, for one, never use toilet paper. neither do my other flatmates. even if we do, we don't flush it down the toilet. duh! because it's not even toilet tissue in the first place! it's called kitchen cloth. it's thicker than ordinary tissue, dumbass. you don't just flush it down the toilet. see, the thing is, she's too stingy to buy toilet papers so i guess the best way round is to use the kitchen cloth that all of us are sharing. shessh, but even i, who doesnt even use toilet papers, know that if you use too much of them, toilet'll be clogged. same principal goes with kitchen cloth.
and having to go through this EVERYFUCKINGDAY sucks. just as i came home back from work these things will just rocket me to my emo zone. demn it. i even refused to cook for a week so that i could avoid everyone and that i won't snap everybody. i slept in my work clothes for 3 consecutive days, mann. i'm just in that bad of mood.
and things i just could avoid but i don't. cause i just have the heart.
so we had to do our laundry at the boys' cause this stupid little flat doesn't exhibit any washing machine. and when i said i wanted to do the laundry;
miss i'm-all-high : eyy sape mau buat laundry??? *sounding all excited*
me : yea, me. IF the guys ain't doing theirs. o god i soo have a lot of clothes to wash. (i purposely said that cause i so know she wanted me to wash hers as well)
miss i'm-all-high : owh *even got the guts to bring out her clothes*
me : but hey. you could use it first if you wanted to.
miss i'm-all-high : no no it's okay. you can use it first. i malas.
me : hm. okay then.
after i came back from throwing my clothes in the mashine.
miss i'm-all-high: eh, you'll be moving your clothes into the dryer right? sooo.. could you, like, throw in mine into the mashine? *acting all giddy and nice*
me : hmm, its gonna take a long time though, cause i got,like, lots of clothes. prolly around 2 hours or so. (demmit, don't ask me to run charity for you.)
miss i'm-all-high : yea, that's okay.
that's not faking okay, god damn it. oh ok, now i see why you don't 'feel like it' when i asked you to wash your clothes first. so that i could be running around as your doggie, eh? and to thought i was being thoughtful offering you to go first. what do you have to be malas about? you don't have to wear any hijjabs or change your shorts. i do. and for goodness' sake, the boys are just living next door!
time to change to dryer.
me : these are all your clothes?
miss i'm-all-high : yea, just throw them in.
me : sabun?
miss i'm-all-high : err.. well, heheh just use yours, i don't have any, anyways. *acting all cute*
then how do you wash your clothes all these while? plus, i have no intention of taking up and down two bottles of soap and softener, especially when i just wanted to remove my clothes into the dryer. fucker.
miss i'm-all-high : hey. its a bit late and all. i wanna go to sleep already. could you please, if you wanna take your clothes, put mine into the dryer? i've got to go to work early.
me : hm i don't know. i might just leave mine tonight cause its late and all.
miss i'm-all-high : oh shit. i have no clothes for tomorrow's work.
me : i don't know.
i'm, like, WTF, maann? i fakken offered you to wash yours earlier. and knowing the mashine's working wonders especially with time, manage your own life! urgh. but alas, i ended up taking up my clothes that night, oh, more likely to midnight, cause i don't feel it would be fair for the guys to have clothes in their mashine AND dryer the next day. and i freakin threw her clothes in the dryer.
but the worse part is, i even hated yself not to say it to her face. mann, if i do that, she will be hurt for life! i don't think i'll say it, i'll just splash it. i'm not really into the flattery way of speaking anymore these days. it's pathethic, i know.
cepat lah habis ogos. alaaaaaaaaaaah... tapi aku sayang tektronix. tanak la habis kerja cepat sangat. ishh. bodoh la duduk dalam rumah ni.
Eh hello! I'm back kekekekeke
6 months ago
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