Saturday 19 August 2006

-ich liebe mein job. mein gott, ich liebe mein job.

-i am physically poor coordinated. another way of saying i'm clumsier than just plain clumsy. really sick of having something going wrong everytime i do my work. not that i detest doing work, god i love it to death. but really, kalau tak skru beterabur jatuh, skrudriver jatuh. kalau tak aku terlanggar benda, benda langgar aku. apaaa nihhh?! if it was a bad day, or even week, i can accept it. but 8 weeks? come on, couldn't be my dumb luck, could it? feels even akward when i need to explain something technik in german. really, how did people perceive me anyways? not that i really care, though. but still, feels like i'm in the beauty and the geek show. err except the beautiful part.

-speaking of beauty, i don't feel kamfertebel in my exterior physical casing. heheh erti kata lain aku rasa macam gemuk gila. mana tak, dah dua minggu aku makan macam tong. sekali makan nasi buleh habis satu pot. makan mee, tambah dua kali. big scoops. mana main sikit-sikit. lepas makan kena ada desert. plus, now i'm constipated. in conclusion, the output is not proportional to the input and therefore causing such excess which i prefer to call it as adipose tissue or simply extra padding. funny though, cause exactly ten years ago, i asked god to give me more fat. i was stick-thin and back then, i wasn't comfortable physically as well. typical. but hey, now not that i can't accept myself, but i just do think that i can do better with what god has given me. bukan nak jadi kurus, tapi sehat. sejahtera. physically as well as mentally.

-and speaking of food, heidi's husband was such a sweet heart making us all in tektronix, sushi! really killed my cravings. she even shared tips on how to make good sushis. heh. esok aku mau buat nasi lemak. and the day after sushi. and the day after that tom yam. and the day after the day after that samosa. biar la aku makan macam tong pon. hati senang!

-speaking of hati senang, i went to fuehlinger see (tasik fuehlinger). uissshhhh. cantik nyaaaa! too bad i'm moving out in two weeks time. if i would've found it earlier, then i could do some 'me' time there. pouting while sitting under the trees with clear greenish blue water, watching people kayaking, cam whoring heheh. would definitely enjoy it better if i have a good company or a good book as well as good music.

bliss.. fuehlingersee.

-nonetheless, i would have another lake at my new place. they even got 24 hours mcds and subways. not bad, for a country where everything closes at 8. hey, i'm all giddy inside. bocholt, here i come! new house, new faces, new season. can't wait!

p/s: i just ordered in curry shrimp with rice and omg lelehan air liurku ditelan dengan nikmat. dah la buleh main koling-koling, makanan sampai depan muka pintu, sedap macam makanan melesia pulak tu. sekali lagi, ternakan lemak berjalan dengan jayanya!


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