i was away on weekends. come to think of it, i was almost always away on weekends.
aaaanyways, matlamat nummer drei macam delay sebab aku makan macam tong. see, doesnt take me that long to eliminate the warmth of the chicken poo. (emm direct translation - menghapuskan kehangatan tahi ayam).
temptations yo. mee rebus, nasi beriyani, rojak buah, kek pisang, agar-agar laici. (5 round kot) yissshhhh! aku makan sampai perut nak meletop.
tapi tak pa. wiken ni kita bulih main futsal. yeay!
i woke up EXTREMELY early this morning. because - finally - aku bersemangat waja nak pergi kelas. plus the futon makes me sweat in my sleep. i know, big EW. no idea why. i turn off the heater, opened the window and its below 16 degrees for goodness's sake! why the hell am i sweating? that stupid futon lah, thats why! thus leading me to daily nose bleeding in the morns. no exceptions - this morning as well. lepas tu sebab aku makan macam tong on the wikens - sakit perut jugak. i dont know why i have major headache - tapi kenapa semua nak datang pagi ni??? aku BERSEMANGAT WAJA!! nak pergi kelas!!! when does that ever happened? never! this is a once in a lifetime thing okay.
and when i was making my way to the shower - tibak bunyi bell - carpet sampai. yish. buang masa aku la. betul betul buang masa aku. mana ada masa nak mandi? thus, no mandi no going out la. then i decided - im not going to class today.
there goes matlamat nummer eins.
Eh hello! I'm back kekekekeke
6 months ago
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