prison break is too slow for my likings. at least the first three eps. this is the 99237618165389975th time i paused.
too much variables, too little action. but because everyfreakingbody makes a big fuss about it, im just gonna watch. perhaps its too soon to pass a judgment.
tapi siap la kalo buhsan nak mati gila babi macam a walk to remember. as far as i remembered semua orang cakap cerita tu bes, but i didnt make it to the end. buhsan gila. typical korean film pon lagi bagus. apa yang sweetnya? tengok lembu terbalik lagi ada adrenalin rush.
oh yea, oc season 4 sucks. because it always has been about coop, atwood, cohen and summer. now coops gone. and did they changed music director? cause the shows suckier with them music.
Eh hello! I'm back kekekekeke
6 months ago
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